Vince hasste das Austin 3:16 T-Shirt…

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    • Vince hasste das Austin 3:16 T-Shirt…

      Bruce Prichard erzaehlte bei seinem Podcast nun die Story wie es zu Austin 3:16 kam und Vince nicht ueberzeugt war vom Austin 3:16 T-Shirt (eines der meist verkauften Merchandise Artikel in der Geschichte des Pro Wrestling).

      “The next night when you showed up and we saw all these signs of ‘Austin 3:16’ and everybody’s going like, ‘oh good god we’ve got something here.’ I think that was it and plus he’s a heel. So you don’t do merchandising for a heel. Nobody’s gonna buy a heel shirt, who would buy that? So when Austin 3:16 took off the way it was if anyone was gonna plan anything it was ‘Cause Stone Cold said so.’ You know, that’s the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so. That became his close, but Austin 3:16 became the brand.

      Vince hated it, absolutely hated it. He didn’t get it, you know it was — my argument, but it was an old argument and it was something that I used to try to get across — and I’m going back to the 80’s. When they would do shirts your number one shirt was Hulkamania. And it simply said ‘Hulkamania.’ Randy Savage’s was a pair of sunglasses, you know with his image but it wasn’t a picture of Randy.

      And Vince felt that the babyface t-shirts should be like pictures of the babyfaces. Cause people wanna support their favorite. My argument was, you’re gonna get more people to buy the shirt if it doesn’t have an image of someone on it… a dude doesn’t wanna wear another dude on his shirt.

      The pitch was, and god I remember the meeting sitting in Vince’s office — me and Jim Ross with the #WWE merchandise guy saying, ‘this is the shirt.’ This is merchandising, I guarantee you people will buy it. And the two pitches in that meeting were ‘Austin 3:16’ just simple white block letters on a black shirt. And the other one Sid’s eyes and there were two others — and again they were heels and he just didn’t see it selling. It was the Mankind mask, simply the mask, not Mankind’s face in it but the mask. And also one of Vader’s mask — just the mask. They were both kinda cool looking on their own. While doing a Vince McMahon impression ‘Heels don’t sell, god!’ But the overwhelming response for that Austin 3:16, he finally gave in […] it sold out everywhere, immediately.”

      Da kann Vince froh sein, dass er ueberzeugt wurde und nachgab…

      Ansonsten, wer sich erinnert in den 90er Jahren, die meisten Wrestling T-Shirts waren absolut peinlich. Wie Prichard sagte, man wollte kein T-Shirt bei dem der Wrestler drauf war, das war total cheesy, aber genau so waren die wrestling Shirts damals. Deswegen waren dann die neuen“ T-Shirts ab 1996 der totale Merchandise Seller, wie Austin 3:16 oder das NWO Shirt. Unfassbar wie das einige damals schon nicht verstanden haben.
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