"Chainsaw" Charles McCarthy tritt zurück

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    • "Chainsaw" Charles McCarthy tritt zurück

      Nach seiner Niederlage bei UFC83 gegen den Engländer Michael Bisping, meldete sich Charles McCarthy bei MMAWeekly zu Wort. Zur Überraschung aller, beendet er seine Karriere.

      McCarthy meinte folgendes:
      “I would like to announce my formal retirement from Mixed Martial Arts competition. I have achieved many of the goals I set out to accomplish in this sport and found others just out of reach. It is now time for me to lay down my gloves and rededicate my attention towards my business, my fighters, my family and my team. The successes I have found in my career are due in large part to all the great people who have helped me along the way. Being involved with the true champions at American Top Team has guided me to become a better father, husband, teacher and friend. Without the great generosity of ATT my life would have had a void. I hope that everyone reading (this) can one day feel the love of a great family as I have…. My goal in my career was always to be the best, and you know it just didn’t work out this time. I’m okay with that. I kind of hit the whole glass ceiling in my career and I don’t feel like dwindling on past my usefulness.”

      Der "The Ultimate Figher 4"-Teilnehmer McCarthy war 1-2-0 in der UFC. Er besiegte Gideon Ray bei der TUF 4 - Final Show und kassierte eine harte Niederlage bei UFC 53 gegen den ehemaligen UFC Middleweight Contender David "The Crow" Loiseau.
      Wir wünschen Charles McCarthy alles Gute für seinen weiteren beruflichen Werdegang.