[Indy] Trent Acid tot aufgefunden

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    Es gibt 8 Antworten in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Mephisto.

    • [Indy] Trent Acid tot aufgefunden

      Nach Berichten des PW Insiders wurde Michael "Trent Acid" Verdi Freitag Morgen tot aufgefunden. Nach erste Vermutungen geht man davon aus, dass der Tod des 29-Jährigen in Zusammenhang mit Drogenmissbrauch steht, Bestätigungen sind aber noch nicht erfolgt.
      Verdi galt lange Zeit als ein Topwrestler in der Philadelphia Region und war besonders bei Combat Zone Wrestling und Ring of Honor tätig, wo er mit seinem Tag Team Partner Johnny Kashmere (als The Backseat Boyz) mehrere Tag Team Titel gewinnen konnte. Ebenfalls konzentrierte er sich auf seine Singles Karriere und man schrieb ihm eine große Zukunft in den größeren Ligen zu, was jedoch anhand vieler persönlicher Probleme scheiterte. So hatte er immer wieder Drogenkontakt und saß wegen Delikten in diesem Zusammenhang im Gefängnis. Mehrere Versuche sein Leben in den Griff zu kriegen, scheiterten immer wieder.
      W4E richtet seine Mitleidsbekundungen an Familie und Freunde von Michael Verdi und wird euch über weitere Erkenntnisse auf dem Laufendem halten.

      F-U Europe *clap clap clap*

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Silk ()

    • Johnny Kashmere,Ex Tag Team Partner von Trent Acid,äußerte sich auf Facebook nun dazu:
      I cant believe i'm typing this....Trent Acid my best brother for life, has passed away. he was found at his home this morning around 9am by this mother. i have no info now and i can barely stand up, will know more soon....keep him and everyone in your prayres please this is horrible. I love you trent RIP

      Es is traurig das wieder jemand so jung verstarb und dann vermutlich noch an Drogen.
      RIP Trent Acid

      "I've wrestled every Wrestler there is to wrestle in wrestling."
      "I come from a highly educated university, so when I come out and speak to these white trash I gotta dumb myself down"
      "You either die an Indie Darling or live long enough to see yourself become Cena"
      "Rollins is great at mixing kayfabe and real life. like remember that time when he cheated on his fiancee with a nazi? such a great heel."
      May the Bridges I Have burned light my way back home
    • Gerade mal 29 Jahre ist er geworden.....
      Auch wenn ich nicht weiß wer das ist,finde ich es einfach nur traurig das wieder jemand so früh aus dem Leben gerissen wurde,und dann warscheinlich noch wegen so etwas dämmlichen wie verdammten Drogen.
    • Hier 2 Stellungnamen von heutigen CZW'lern dazu:

      Drake Younger
      NO not another brother gone! Thank you Trent for all you ever did for me, all the advice and respect you gave me, and for the fun matches we had. You are the greatest Independent wrestler ever...I will never forget the good times we had in the few years I knew you, or the aweomely long spots you taught me. Enjoy all the riches that heaven has to offer, you can now rest easy...I Love you Cuz!

      Sami Callihan
      I got to spend quite a bit of time and get to know you over the past year, and we became true friends. Thats hard to come by in this business! We will never forget you brother. RIP TRENT

      Sowie die offizielle Stellungnahme durch Combat Zone Wrestling:

      Rest in Peace - Mike "Trent Acid" Verdi
      11/12/1980 - 6/18/2010

      It is with deep regret that CZW management has the unfortunate duty to report on the passing of one of it's own. Early this morning, Michael "Trent Acid" Verdi passed away in his home in South Philadelphia at the age of 29, just blocks away from the building where he helped revolutionize the business he so deeply loved. The entire extended CZW family is in mourning over the loss of one its true homegrown stars, and a man who was a friend to so many, both inside the business and out. We extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to his family and friends as they grieve for his loss.

      Trent Acid lived to wrestle. From the time he first stepped thru the curtain at the world famous "ECW Arena", it was clear that he was no ordinary wrestler. This kid from the streets of South Philly was born to entertain, and for more than a decade, he did all that and more. In his storied career, Trent Acid won titles all over the world, but the ones that meant the most to him were those that came in his own neighborhood. In 2002, Trent acheived what many would consider to be the highlight of his career when he defeated Jody Fleisch in front of a capacity crowd at the Arena to become CZW's second ever "Best of the Best" Champion. Trent was also a gifted tag-team wrestler, tagging with longtime friend and partner Johnny Kashmere to form the "Backseat Boyz", together changing the tag-team game as we knew it, while taking their act all over the world in the process. In addition to his contributions in the ring, Trent gave back to the business outside the ring. As a trainer, he helped mold the careers of many of the next generation of professional wrestlers. His advice was priceless, and it was sought by many who wanted to be the very best at their craft.

      For over a decade, we watched as he grew from the flashy, energetic youngster with the infectious smile, to becoming a certifiable International Superstar. Now, for many years to follow, we will remember him as one of the greatest independent wrestlers of all time, and his memory will never die.

      On the afternoon of Saturday, July 10th at 230pm, The Arena in South Philly, along with CZW and Trent's friends and family will come together to present a very special tribute show to honor his life, and memory. Admission to the event will be free, with a suggested $10 dollar donation. 100% of the proceeds will go to Trent's family, many of whom will be on hand for what should be a very emotional afternoon. Stay tuned to CZWrestling.com, and the usual media outlets for more on this event.

      F-U Europe *clap clap clap*
    • Ein ganz schöner Schock. Ich hab ihn sehr gerne bei RoH gesehen. Vor allem sein Match mit Colt Cabana bei Survival of the Fittest 2004 blieb mir in guter Erinnerung.

      Es ist ein verdammter Jammer...

      Ruhe in Frieden