1991 Wrestling Rap

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    • 1991 Wrestling Rap

      Auszug aus dem WON 1992.

      1991 WRESTLING RAP
      By MC Kool Ernie (Santilli)

      Since rapping about wrestling's become the "thing to do"

      I've written lots of rhymes and I'll share them with you.

      The American Dream began the year with a new look

      He traded his polka dots for a pencil and book

      Though it had been a while, he proved he wasn't rusty

      By giving the biggest push to a character named Dusty

      Meanwhile in the Fed, Vince K. caused an uproar

      When he came up with an angle to exploit the Gulf War

      Some columnists suggested he wasn't a nice guy

      But you wouldn't know it if you only read SI

      No, Vinnie, no, Vinnie, no Vinnie, no!

      Herb Abrams moved his indie from the West to East Coast

      Made his viewers happy when he stepped down as host

      Cactus Jack's still in the business he was said to expose

      While Ole's working at his sawmill and picking his nose

      Missy took our hearts and turned them topsy-turvy

      When we found out that her boyfriend was Jason Hervey

      Sherri dropped Savage and got a Million Dollar Man

      Now she stores his Franklins where she doesn't have a tan

      Bobby Eaton's popularity his an all-time peak

      So they had him lose two title matches in three weeks

      Jim Cornette worked anywhere vendors sold Pepsi Cola

      Vegas, Dallas, Parts Unknown and Pensacola

      Mean Mark debuted his Undertaker bit

      And gave Warrior a "coffin fit"

      We thought the Ding Dong gimmick was pretty dumb

      Until we saw what the ex-Master Blaster had become

      The Jarretts staged a war between Texas and Tennessee

      Half the battles were fought by General Eric Embry

      Lawler shocked the Memphis crew; told them, "Please be quiet

      I've got tragic news: Tramel folded Rasslin' Riot"

      Sid Vicious left Atlanta but he had a valid reason

      He didn't want to work during softball season

      In came a logger, gay, Desperados and a rapper

      The fans said, "This promotion is going down the crapper"

      Titan Sports was in the headlines yet another time

      When the Immoral One's name was linked to an Allentown crime

      Hulk Hogan spoke about steroids with Arsenio

      And told a fairy tale worthy of Pinocchio

      Although cynics declared it would never happen

      Big Joe got his promotion on ESPN

      Makhan Singh took one look at the announcer's lack of hair

      Said, "Turn it down Scott, I'm blinded by the glare"

      From the offices in Atlanta came the mind-boggling word

      "No extension for the Naitch, but we'll give one to Herd"

      New rules on chain matches, flags on scaffolds, no Flair, What's this trash?

      The worst pay-per-view in memory--The Baltimore Bash

      Put one finger in the air and chant "We Want Flair"

      Rumors spread Ric would make a SummerSlam debut

      Instead Jim Hellwig was fired, bye-bye, boo-hoo

      The wedding was about as exciting as "Oprah"

      Family entertainment? Bride threatened by a cobra

      As his brothers Beau and Blake won another squash

      Steve Beverly told readers, "I'm giving up Matwatch."

      At the September Clash, WCW debuted their newest bland hunk

      They would sign him, but wouldn't go after Owen or Funk

      Despite mixed reactions to McMahon signing Ric Flair

      Vince pleased everyone when he let himself be clobbered with a chair

      Paul E. got heat over what he did or didn't say

      And in the end he wound up with three weeks off with pay

      Scott Anthony teased viewers as to who was The Boss

      Tony Danza? Clarence Thomas? Or maybe Don Coss

      Madusa made a splash finding "knucks" in Blossom's blouse

      "Please let us frisk her," pleaded every man in the house

      I dissed Dusty earlier as you all know

      However he deserves credit for the last Clash show

      Pins, surprises, angles and the return of The Dragon

      A comeback sign for those who fell off the bandwagon

      Hulk's religious interviews, they left us in a daze

      Because all along we thought the Whiff's Lord was Al Hayes

      The Hulkster dropped the belt; six days later got it back

      Then got stripped by Titan's lead heel, Mean President Jack

      All kidding aside, we felt dismay when we were told

      Don Owen's promotion was probably going to fold

      No more Billy Jack Haynes terrorizing the Crow's Nest

      No Fiesta Garden, Grappler's boot nor any of the rest

      Remember as the old promotions fade from the sport

      New indies are starting, let's give them our support

      But beware of the false advertisers out for the quick buck

      When they b.s. you once, say to them, "I don't give a flying...."

      Eventful is the best way to describe 1991

      Ups and downs, but in hindsight, we had our share of fun

      Despite the jokes I'm busting, I don't know about you

      But I'm looking forward to 1992
      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”