EVOLVE 83 results

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    • EVOLVE 83 results

      EVOLVE 83
      Saint Finbar Catholic Church Gymnasium
      New York City,New York

      Singles Match
      Ethan Page (/w A Gatekeeper) besiegte Austin Theory mit dem Spinning Dwayne [7:58 min]

      Singles Match
      Tracy Williams besiegte Chris Dickinson mit dem Crossface [10:37 min]

      Singles Match
      Jaka (/w Catch Point) besiegte ACH mit dem Tiger Driver [13:26 min]

      Singles Match
      Keith Lee besiegte David Starr mit dem Jackhammer (Vertical Suplex Powerslam) [8:50 min]

      Singles Match
      Kyle O'Reilly besiegte Fred Yehi mit der ARMageddon (Cross Armbar) [20:36 min]

      EVOLVE Title Match
      Zack Sabre Jr. (c) besiegte Lio Rush mit dem European Clutch [19:10 min]

      WWN Title I Quit Match
      Matt Riddle (c) besiegte Drew Galloway via Stipulation mit der Bromission (Modified Neck Crank) [17:37 min]
      "I've wrestled every Wrestler there is to wrestle in wrestling."
      "I come from a highly educated university, so when I come out and speak to these white trash I gotta dumb myself down"
      "You either die an Indie Darling or live long enough to see yourself become Cena"
      "Rollins is great at mixing kayfabe and real life. like remember that time when he cheated on his fiancee with a nazi? such a great heel."
      May the Bridges I Have burned light my way back home