WWE Vince McMahon Limo Explosion Angle 2007

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    • WWE Vince McMahon Limo Explosion Angle 2007

      Der ehemalige WWE Writer Court Bauer war beim Wrestling Podcast zu Gast und sprach ueber den damaligen Angle als die Limo von Vince McMahon bei Raw explodierte und Mr. McMahon fuer Tod erklaert wurde. Da Chris Benoit eine Woche spaeter seine Frau und Kind und dann sich selbst umbrachte, wurde der Angle wieder fallen gelassen (es wurde erklaert das Vince die Limo explosion nur gefaked hat).

      Bauer sprach nun darueber was eigentlich geplant war:

      “I always think what could've been because we were gearing up to do something with Vince's little known brother Roderick. His family was going to come in the following week and be part of the funeral for Vince McMahon and I was always pushing that I would love to get another side of the McMahon family involved with WWE. I think it would've been fascinating because people forget that Vince has a brother and I think that that story would've been amazing.”

      Roderick McMahon sollte als das genaue Gegenteil von Vince McMahon dargestellt werden:

      “How Vince the tycoon he is, the ruthlessly aggressive guy, you know, took over the family business. His poor brother, what happened to him? And now there's a refresh on the McMahon dynasty and all of the rivalries and stuff you could tell now, all of these new stories that are there because Roderick has children that you could play with in this setting."

      Den Podcast koennt ihr euch hier anschauen.


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