Matt Hughes:“ UFC ‘Not as Special’ in Modern Era with Fights on ‘Darn Near Every Week’”

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    • Matt Hughes:“ UFC ‘Not as Special’ in Modern Era with Fights on ‘Darn Near Every Week’”

      Matt Huhes sagte in einem Interview (dass vor seinem Unfall aufgenommen wurde), dass die UFC nichts mehr Besonderes sei, dadurch, dass fast jede Woche Shows stattfinden.

      “I think it’s too commercial. They’ve got fights darn near every week (on) one of the three channels they’re on, and I think it’s too commercial. I am so happy that timing worked out for me where I fought when I did. I really think that I fought in the golden ages.

      “I started at UFC 22, and I don’t even know what my last one was – around (UFC) 110 or 115 or something – but I think I was in the golden ages. It was when people got together to watch the UFC. It wasn’t – because they’re so often now.

      They’re just not as special.”

      Wuerde Hughes zustimmen, die Beste Zeit im MMA ist definitive rum. Ein Problem sind eben die vielen UFC Shows, und vorallem wie die Shows besetzt sind, viele Cards sind verwaessert und die Shows und Fighter werden kaum promotet.
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