Josh Barnett will MMA Karriere fortsetzen

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    • Josh Barnett will MMA Karriere fortsetzen

      Josh Barnett, der aktuell fuer NJPW in den USA kommentiert, hat nun in einem Interview gesagt, dass er seine MMA Karriere fortsetzen will, wenn seine USADA Sperre nach seinem vierten positiven Dopingtest ablaueft. Was seine endgueltige Strafe ist, ist noch entschieden, Barnett selbst rechnet mit einer 4 jaehrigen Sperre. Dann koennte er erst wieder 2021 antreten.

      “I’m not finished with it. I still have a lot within MMA that I want to do. There’s still a desire in me to go out and fight. I know that it is going to be a much smaller window for me in that there’s so many other things in my life. At the moment, I know the desire is there to compete, but the desire to structure my life around training camps and all that at the moment just isn’t there.

      I’ll get out there and spar and work with people, so it’s not as if I don’t train or still enjoy training – because I do very much – but to make that commitment in every way that’s necessary to compete in MMA, not yet. But it is still open.”
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