Austin Aries haelt Gewichtsklassen im Pro Wrestling fuer unsinnig

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    • Austin Aries haelt Gewichtsklassen im Pro Wrestling fuer unsinnig

      “I decided to return as a world-class wrestler. That’s why I made sure that people understand that it is the Impact World Championship. For me, weight divisions in wrestling are a little silly because we never adhere to them, we never use them. Right? There’s also this perception that if you’re less than a heavyweight or if you’re not 206 lbs., somehow you can’t be on top of the card. Or you can’t be considered main event talent. It’s just foolish. If you look at other sports such as MMA or boxing, guys like Floyd Mayweather, guys like Conor McGregor… never been heavyweights a day in their lives. Yet they’ve been a draw throughout their lives, in their respective sports.”

      In der Umgebung und Darstellung von WWE machen Gewichtsklassen natuerlich kein Sinn. Aber wenn Pro Wrestling als Sports dargestellt wird, so wie es einige Promotions machen, und so wie es in der Vergangenheit war, machen Gewichtsklassen schon Sinn.
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