Joe Rogan slamt das Win Bonus System im MMA

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    • Joe Rogan slamt das Win Bonus System im MMA

      UFC Kommentator Joe Rogan hat sich gegen das Win Bonus System im MMA ausgesprochen. Bei diesem System, dass es MMA weit gibt, werden die meisten Fighter bezahlt nach einer garantierten Summe, und dann noch Mal zusaetzlich falls sie Gewinnen.

      Rogan meinte nun:

      “The win bonus system to me is a real issue. I think a guy should be paid what they get paid. I think if you have a contract, the contract should be for ‘X’ amount of money and if you have points on the pay-per-view, that’s on top of that; but the idea that your win or loss could be in the hands of what we have deemed completely incompetent judges.

      I’ve heard from Athletic Commissions, but I say, ‘go fuck yourself.’ There’s guys in there that are fighting for their life. They literally guys train for months and months and someone who literally doesn’t understand martial arts is giving these guys a decision, a loss or a win and that’s 50-percent of their money. That’s crazy!

      It’s literally like stealing money from these kids. I just don’t like the win bonus and I don’t think anybody fights harder for it.”

      Mit den Judges (oder Referees…) hat er natuerlich Recht, dass ist das eigentliche Problem im MMA, dass es viel zu viele inkompetente Judges und Referees gibt.
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