CHIKARA Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage Results

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    • CHIKARA Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage Results

      CHIKARA Young Lions Cup XIV - 2nd Stage
      Wrestle Factory

      CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying Match
      Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) besiegten The Nouveau Aesthetic (Still Life with Apricots and Pears & Ursa Minor in the Night Sky) (/w BLANK)

      8 Person Tag Team Match
      Cornelius Crummels,The Creatures of the Deep (Merlok & Oceanea) & Sonny Defarge besiegten Green Ant,The Rumblebees (Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee) & Thief Ant

      CHIKARA Grand Title Match
      Juan Francisco de Coronado (c) besiegte Ophidian

      Tag Team Match
      Xyberhawx 2000 (Nytehawk & Razerhawk) besiegten Anthony Greene & DL Hurst

      CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2018 Qualifying Match
      The Throwbacks (Dasher Hatfield & Mark Angelosetti) besiegten The Legion of Rot (Frightmare & Hallowicked)

      CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Young Lions Cup XIV Final Match
      Cam Zagami besiegte Omari
      ----------> TITLEWECHSEL!

      Encore Match: Singles Match
      Officer Warren Barksdale besiegte Rory Gulak


      Alle CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Tournament Gewinner:
      2002: Hallowicked
      2004: Larry Sweeney
      2005: Shane Storm
      2006: Arik Cannon
      2007: Chuck Taylor
      2008: Fire Ant
      2009: Player Dos
      2010: Frightmare
      2011: Tadasuke
      2012: Mark Angelosetti
      2017: The Space Monkey
      2018: Cam Zagami
      "I've wrestled every Wrestler there is to wrestle in wrestling."
      "I come from a highly educated university, so when I come out and speak to these white trash I gotta dumb myself down"
      "You either die an Indie Darling or live long enough to see yourself become Cena"
      "Rollins is great at mixing kayfabe and real life. like remember that time when he cheated on his fiancee with a nazi? such a great heel."
      May the Bridges I Have burned light my way back home