Bill Watts:”Vince McMahon’s biggest mistake was wiping out his competition”

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    • Bill Watts:”Vince McMahon’s biggest mistake was wiping out his competition”

      Bill Watts: “I’ve discussed this with Vince to some extent and I think the mistake he made was wiping out everybody. Fortunately, I was one of the ones who saw the handwriting on the wall, sold my company and did very well with it. The bottom line is, I’ve told Vince that he should have kept the old companies around because he would have had a place for the new talent. It’s like everything else, I don’t care if it’s chocolate cake because if you eat chocolate cake every single day you start to want something different. The problem is that he exposed everything at once and now his talent doesn’t have a place to learn, they just go right to stardom. There could have been a wiser way to have done that but, who can deny the success for him and what he’s done? I think he realizes that I doubt he’d have done it any different.”
      Vince McMahon selbst hat das vor 15 Jahren mal aehnlich geauessert, dass es ein Fehler war. Allerdings lag das in vielen Faellen nicht an Vince, sondern vorallem an den anderen Promotern oder Promotions. Das viele Untergegangen sind lag an ihren eigenen Fehlern, wie die WCW, AWA, NWA oder WCWA. Vince hat sogar die ECW mal finanziell unterstuetzt mitte der 90er Jahre, ansonsten waere die ECW schon viel frueher am Ende gewesen.

      Was vielleicht eine Option gewesen waere, allerdings keine mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit, das Vince 2001 die WCW oder ECW eigenstaendig weiter laufen lassen haette koennen. Unwahrscheinlich deshalb, weil keine Fernsehsender damals die beiden Promotions wollte. Das heisst, Vince haette einen WWF Timeslot, also Sunday Night Heat, Smackdown, Raw abgeben muessen an Promotions mit sehr viel geringerem name value wie die der WWF damals. Das haette niemand gemacht.
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