GCW Effy's Big Gay Brunch 6 Results

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    • GCW Effy's Big Gay Brunch 6 Results

      GCW Effy's Big Gay Brunch 6
      Ukrainian Culture Center
      Los Angeles, Kalifornien

      4 Way Match
      AC Mack besiegte Honest John, Jai Vidal & Richie Coy [8:44 min]

      Singles Match
      Keita Murray besiegte Devon Monroe [9:54 min]

      Singles Match
      Steph De Lander besiegte Sandra Moone [9:46 min]

      Singles Match
      Fred Rosser besiegte Karam [9:50 min]

      Singles Match
      Sawyer Wreck besiegte Kidd Bandit [11:21 min]

      10 Person Tag Team Match
      Abigail Warren, Anton Voorhees, Da Shade & Money Power Respect (Fabuloso Fabricio & Marco Mayur) (/w Pollo Del Mar) besiegten Aaron Rourke, Ashton Starr, B3CCA, Dillon McQueen & Rico Gonzalez [22:58 min]

      Singles Match
      Max the Impaler (/w Amy Rose) besiegte Vipress [9:12 min]

      6 Person Tag Team Match
      Thrussy (Allie Katch, Dark Sheik & Effy) besiegten Billy Dixon, Charles Mason & Parrow [18:04 min]
      "I've wrestled every Wrestler there is to wrestle in wrestling."
      "I come from a highly educated university, so when I come out and speak to these white trash I gotta dumb myself down"
      "You either die an Indie Darling or live long enough to see yourself become Cena"
      "Rollins is great at mixing kayfabe and real life. like remember that time when he cheated on his fiancee with a nazi? such a great heel."
      May the Bridges I Have burned light my way back home