NWA/TNA Preview fuer den 29.1.03

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    • NWA/TNA Preview fuer den 29.1.03

      Vince Russo believes he got away with murder last week on NWA: Total Nonstop Action. Sonny Siaki turned back the challenge of rookie Chris Vaughn and ring girl Athena in a 3-way match for the X Title; Low-Ki and Elix Skipper unseated America's Most Wanted for the Tag-Team belts; And in a stunning development, Raven appeared after Jeff Jarrett's successful title defense against BG James, Don Harris and Christopher Daniels, only to attack the champ and leave the arena with the belt!

      The ring was filled with shocked wrestlers who didn't even have time to think when Raven hit the ring. What began as a victory celebration for Jarrett quickly soured as the very banner upon which the NWA rests its heritage was stolen. Russo may believe he is enjoying the last laugh, but Jarrett has sworn to take away Russo's smile forever.

      In matches signed for this Wednesday night...

      Grudge Match #1: Jerry Lynn vs. David Flair
      These two were a part of the tag-team battle this last week that saw Lynn knocked out by the mysterious burlap sack carried by Flair for the pinfall. Expect to see a fierce fight from Lynn, a 14 year veteran of the ring wars and a former world champion. Flair may think he has the advantage in the bag (so to speak), but time is a teacher that cannot be outfoxed.

      Grudge Match #2: Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Mike Sanders
      The other half of last week's tag-team assault features two men who talk as well as they wrestle! Sanders is supremely cocky when it comes to laying down a challenge or telling others how things are going to be. Unfortunately for him, he's stepping in the ring with one man who can back up his words with might! Killings is the former World Champion. Sanders seems to forget that Killings worked his way up from the bottom to the top. Surely, The Truth will remind him of what the bottom looks like.

      Mixed Tag-Team Battle: Sonny Siaki & Desire vs. Kid Kash & Trinity
      Desire has become very adept at slapping around those who look at her the wrong way. However, it was Trinity who put the slap back on her last week, saving the day for Athena. Kash steps in as Trinty's most capable, and equally high-flying, partner. The sky can't be the limit when Kash and Trinity take to the air against the ground troops of S.E.X

      And... Jeff Jarrett goes on the hunt for Raven and his NWA World Heavyweight Championship belt!

      All this and MORE Wednesday night!!!
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