Vorerst keine Rückkehr von Ken Shamrock!?

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    • Vorerst keine Rückkehr von Ken Shamrock!?

      Ken Shamrock veröffentlichte vor kurzem auf seiner Homepage folgenden Text, damit dürfte eine baldtiges WWF Comeback in weite Ferne rücken.

      "Ken has no plans on going back to WWF right now. He left because he was tired of it and he wanted to get a few more fights in before he got too old. So, if he could wrestle and still have time to fight he would, but WWF won't give him the time off that he needs."
      "I'm sick of the rap game. I'm sick of this fucking industry, you know what I'm saying. It's run by the devil and 99% of everybody you deal with is a snake!" - DMX, 2003

      In Memory of
      Owen Hart
      1965 - 1999