TEW INFOS/Nachfolger von EWR

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    • TEW INFOS/Nachfolger von EWR

      Um das neue Game von Adam Ryland TEW wurden jetzt einige neue Infos bekannt:

      Technical Game Info

      This game will cost $35.00/£21-£23. Also, for an extra $10.00/??? in pounds you can have the CD shipped to your home.
      The planned release is in teh first quarter of 2004.
      Adam will now have some help, and he will also be working on TEW full-time.
      While real wrestlers won't be in the database recieved with the game, RaveX plans on updating the game with the actual wrestlers.
      TEW will have a professionlly designed interface, a big upgrade from EWR.
      The game will have both music and other audio effects.
      Every aspect of the game world will be editable to the user's preferences.

      Gameplay Improvements

      Over 2,000 wrestlers will be in the database.
      TEW will have new and expanded gameplay, including a comprehensive financial and merchandising model.
      More angles and matches will be included in TEW.
      In-depth wrestler and promotion almanacs that will track career history.
      The computer A.I. will be more advanced. It will be able to book cards, keep track of champions, and even protect their stars from being stolen!
      Certain injuries won't prevent wrestlers from performing interviews, some will even allow the wrestler to perform with limited ability, while others stop wrestlers from doing anything.

      Stat Changes

      Mic Skills will now be a stat. Charisma will be for connecting with the crowd in TEW, while Mic Skills will be for the interviews.
      Height and weight will be added as stats.

      There will be historical and fantasy scenerios

      System Requirements
      Operating System: Windows 9x
      CPU: Pentium II (or equivalent) 266 mhz or higher
      Memory: 32 MB RAM plus Windows swap file enabled
      Hard Disk Space: 20 MB for install, additional space for saved games
      Audio System: Windows compatible sound card
      Video System: 640x480 display capable of running 16-bit color or higher
      Multiplayer: Online play requires a 28.8 Kbps or faster modem for file transfers

      Optimal System Requirements

      Operating System: Windows Windows 2000 or XP
      CPU: Pentium III class (or equivalent) 500 mhz or higher
      Memory: 64 MB RAM or higher
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