Zitate/ Songtexte

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    Mitarbeiter gesucht! Meldet Euch bei Interesse bei unserem Misawa

    Es gibt 112 Antworten in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Snowder.

    • Also das ist zu 100% ein Boygroup song bzw eine Boygroup.So ein bescheuerter einfallsloser und sehr einfacher Text kann nur von Boygroups stammen oder Michael Jackson ;) .Habe ich recht Unicorn? ;)
      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”
    • Und wie Recht du hast.
      There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.
    • Original von RDLA
      Und wie Recht du hast.

      Meinst du das jetzt ernst? Oder ist das wieder ironisch gemeint und ich kapiere es nicht ;) .Es gibt rechts beim verfassen von Postings so lustige kleine Gesichter die man einsetzen,aber ich kenne ja deine abneigung gegen die selbigen
      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”
    • Das ist mien voller ernst. Dieser komische Mensch von dem dieses Lied stammt, war tatsächlich mal Mitglied einer so verabscheuungswürdigen Boygroup. Doch das ist hier NICHT DAS THEMA!
      There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.
    • Gary Moore - Still got the blues for you

      Used to be so easy to give my heart away.
      But I found out the hard way,
      there's a price you have to pay.
      I found out that love was no friend of mine.
      I should have known time after time.

      So long, it was so long ago,
      but I've still got the blues for you.

      Used to be so easy to fall in love again.
      But I found out the hard way,
      it's a road that leads to pain.
      I found that love was more than just a game.
      You're playin' to win, but you lose just the same.

      So long, it was so long ago,
      but I've still got the blues for you.

      So many years since I've seen your face.
      Here in my heart, there's an empty space
      where you used to be.

      So long, it was so long ago,
      but I've still got the blues for you.

      Though the days come and go,
      there is one thing I know.
      I've still got the blues for you.

      F-U Europe *clap clap clap*
    • Original von RDLA
      Das ist mien voller ernst. Dieser komische Mensch von dem dieses Lied stammt, war tatsächlich mal Mitglied einer so verabscheuungswürdigen Boygroup. Doch das ist hier NICHT DAS THEMA!

      Seit wann weißt Du denn, wer in einer Boygroup ist bzw. war? ?( Das ist mir jetzt aber ganz neu. 8)

      Ich glaube, dass liegt wohl an meinem guten Einfluss :D ... oder war es doch der schlechte? ;)

      @Nef: Wenn Du schon glaubst, dass Du schon am Text erkennst, welcher Song von einer Boygroup stammt und welcher nicht, dann gucke Dir nochmal alle anderen Texte von mir in diesem Thread an und sag mir, welche von Boygroups stammen. Jetzt bin ich ja mal gespannt, ob Du es herausfindest! :D
      ''Wenn ich nicht ich sein darf, wer sollte ich dann sein?''
      Marilyn Monroe
    • Original von White Unicorn
      @Nef: Wenn Du schon glaubst, dass Du schon am Text erkennst, welcher Song von einer Boygroup stammt und welcher nicht, dann gucke Dir nochmal alle anderen Texte von mir in diesem Thread an und sag mir, welche von Boygroups stammen. Jetzt bin ich ja mal gespannt, ob Du es herausfindest! :D

      das ist aber nicht besonders schwer,da man einfach auch an den Namen herausfinden kann wer eine Boygroup ist und wer nicht.Das sowas einer Frau nicht auffaellt ist klar ;)
      Die Backstreet Boys kenne ich sogar vom Namen ,also Boygroup
      Blue ist glaube ich die schleimige Boygroup vom United Kingdom,passt auch zu Elton John.
      Und The Boyz hoert sich alleine schon schwul an.Also auch boygroup.

      Im uebrigen geht es um Zitate ;) Hier nochmal ein paar:

      Was im Menschen wirklich wertvoll ist, das ist der Teil von ihm, den wir noch nicht verstehen.
      Bernhard Shaw

      Wer sich in einer Diskussion auf seine Autoritaet beruft, gebraucht nicht den Verstand, sondern sein Gedaechtnis.
      Leonardo Da Vinci

      Huete dich vor den Lehren jener Spekulanten, deren Ueberlegungen nicht von der Erfahrung bestaetigt wird. :D
      Leonardo Da Vinci
      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”
    • Siehe Signatur
      Mütter lieben ihre Kinder mehr, als Väter es tun, weil sie sicher sein können, dass es ihre sind.Aristoteles
      Der Charakter einer Frau zeigt sich nicht, wo die Liebe beginnt, sondern wo sie endet. Rosa Luxenburg
      Einmal weiblich, immer weiblich. Die Natur ist zwar nicht unfehlbar, doch hält sie stets an ihren Fehlern fest. Saki
      Bei der Brautwerbung ist der Mann solange hinter einer Frau her, bis sie ihn hat.Jacques Tati
    • Original von Nefercheperur
      das ist aber nicht besonders schwer,da man einfach auch an den Namen herausfinden kann wer eine Boygroup ist und wer nicht.Das sowas einer Frau nicht auffaellt ist klar ;)
      Die Backstreet Boys kenne ich sogar vom Namen ,also Boygroup
      Blue ist glaube ich die schleimige Boygroup vom United Kingdom,passt auch zu Elton John.
      Und The Boyz hoert sich alleine schon schwul an.Also auch boygroup.

      Du hast noch einen vergessen: Lee Baxter stammt aus der gleichen Boygroup wie Benjamin Boyce.

      Aber ich glaube, ich komme mal wieder zum Thema zurück. Hier sind noch zwei Songtexte:

      Die Prinzen - Alles nur geklaut

      Ich schreibe einen Hit,
      die ganze Nation kennt ihn schon,
      alle singen mit,
      ganz laut im Chor, das geht ins Ohr.
      Keiner kriegt davon genug,
      alle halten mich für klug,
      hoffentlich merkt keiner den Betrug.

      Denn das ist alles nur geklaut,
      das ist alles gar nicht meine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut,
      doch das weiß ich nur ganz alleine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut
      und gestohlen,
      nur gezogen
      und geraubt.
      Entschuldigung, das hab' ich mir erlaubt.

      Ich bin tierisch reich
      ich fahre einen Benz
      der in der Sonne glänzt.
      Ich hab'n großen Teich
      und davor ein Schloß
      und ein weißes Roß

      ich bin ein großer Held
      und ich reise um die Welt
      ich werde immer schöner durch mein Geld.

      Und das ist alles nur geklaut
      das ist alles gar nicht meine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut,
      doch das weiß ich nur ganz alleine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut
      und gestohlen,
      nur gezogen
      und geraubt.
      Entschuldigung, das hab' ich mir erlaubt.

      Ich will dich gern verführ'n,
      doch bald schon merke ich:
      das wird nicht leicht für mich.
      Ich geh' mit dir spazier'n
      und spreche ein Gedicht
      in dein Gesicht.
      Ich sag, ich schrieb es nur für dich,
      und dann küßt du mich,
      denn zu meinem Glück weißt du nicht:

      Das ist alles nur geklaut,
      das ist alles gar nicht meine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut,
      doch das weiß ich nur ganz alleine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut
      und gestohlen,
      nur gezogen
      und geraubt.
      Entschuldigung, das hab' ich mir erlaubt.

      Auf deinen Heiligenschein
      fall' ich auch nicht mehr rein,
      denn auch du hast, Gott sei Dank,
      garantiert noch was im Schrank.

      Und das ist alles nur geklaut
      das ist alles gar nicht deine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut,
      doch das weißt du nur ganz alleine,
      das ist alles nur geklaut
      und gestohlen
      nur gezogen
      und geraubt
      wer hat dir das erlaubt?
      Wer hat dir das erlaubt?

      All 4 one - I swear

      I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
      And I swear like the shadow that's by your side
      I see the questions in your eyes
      I know what's weighing on your mind
      you can be sure I know my part
      'Cause I'll stand beside you through the years
      you'll only cry those happy tears
      and though I'll make mistakes
      I'll never break your heart

      And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
      I'll be there
      I swear like the shadow that's by your side
      I'll be there
      For better or worse 'till death do us part
      I'll love you with every beat of my heart
      and I swear

      I'll give you everything I can
      I'll build your dreams with these two hands
      We'll hang some mem'ries on the walls
      And when just the two of us are there
      you won't have to ask if I still care
      `cause as the time turns the page
      my love won't age at all

      And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies
      I'll be there
      I swear like the shadow that's by your side
      I'll be there
      For better or worse 'till death do us part
      I'll love you with every beat of my heart
      and I swear
      ''Wenn ich nicht ich sein darf, wer sollte ich dann sein?''
      Marilyn Monroe
    • Godfather
      Michael Corleone: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or a senator.
      Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed!
      Michael: Oh, who's being naive, Kay?

      Godfather II
      Michael: There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

      Godfather III
      Michael Corleone: Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

      Tony Montana: You wanna f*ck with me? Okay. You wannna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend.

      Tony: What are you lookin' at? You're all a bunch of f*ckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f*ckin' fingers, and say "that's the bad guy." So, what'll that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say goodnight to the bad guy. Come on. Last time you're gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you.

      Tony: Make way for the bad guy.

      Dumb and Dumber

      Harry: Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. :D

      Harry: I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!
      Lloyd: Yeah! Unless you wanna work fourty hours a week. :D

      Lloyd: When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her.
      Harry: That's a special feeling.

      Harry: Once, we successfully mated a bulldog with a shitsu.
      Mary: Really?
      Harry: Yeah, we called it a bullshit. :D

      Lloyd ... "So where ya headed?"
      Mary ... "Aspen."
      Lloyd ... "Mmm...California, beautiful."

      Harry ... "Where are we gonna go?"
      Lloyd ... "...I'm talking about a little place called Aspen."
      Harry ... "I dunno Lloyd, the French are assholes." :D

      Harry ... "What's her last name? I'll look it up."
      Lloyd ... "Ahh, you know I don't really recall. Starts with an S."
      Harry ... "Maybe it's on the briefcase, look on the--."
      Lloyd ... "Oh yeah! It's right here, Sampsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S though!"
      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”
    • A Rose Is A Rose

      You're at a stand still you're at an impasse
      Your mountain of dreams seems harder to climb and
      Those who have made you feel like an outcast
      Cause you dare to be different so they draw a line.

      They say you're a fool they feel you resisting
      They tell you you'll never go very far
      But they'll be the same ones that stand in the distance
      And fall in the shadow of your shining star.

      Just keep on the same road and keep on your toes
      Just keep your heart steady as she goes
      And let them call you what they will
      It don't matter a rose by any name is still a rose.

      The kindness of strangers its seems like a fable
      But they get to seek what I see
      That you can make it if you are able
      To believe in yourself the way I do.

      Just keep on the same road and keep on your toes
      Just keep your heart steady as she goes
      And let them call you what they will
      It don't matter a rose by any name is still a rose.

      Cause a deal is a deal in the heart of the dream,
      And a spade is a spade
      If you know what I mean
      A rose is a rose is a rose.

      Deal with the scoffers is part of the bargain,
      They heckle from backrows
      And they bark at the moon
      The flowers are fading in times bitter garden
      But yours is only beginning to bloom.

      Just keep on the same road and keep on your toes
      Just keep your heart steady as she goes
      And let them call you what they will
      And just remember a rose by any name is still a rose
      A rose by any name is still a rose.

      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”
    • Eine Frau, die so gut sein will, wie ein Mann, hat keinen Ehrgeiz. ;)
      (stammt aus der Serie ''Sex and the City'')

      Ein alter Baum hat viele Wurzeln; ein alter Mann hat viele Erfahrungen.
      Chinesiches Sprichwort

      Erotisch ist, wenn man mit einer Feder schreibt. Pervers ist es, wenn man dazu das ganze Huhn nimmt.
      Chinesiches Sprichwort
      ''Wenn ich nicht ich sein darf, wer sollte ich dann sein?''
      Marilyn Monroe
    • Bastiaan Ragas - If only

      If only you could hear me now
      singing this song
      but all allone, just for you

      If only there would be a way
      for me to show what I want
      So hard for me to say

      I would like to feel what it's like to be with you
      Take away this pain 'cause it's tearing me in two

      If only you would know
      If only I could show
      All of my time I spent on thinking of you
      If only you'd love me
      like I love you
      If only you could see
      Just what you mean to me
      All of my time I spent on thinikng of you
      If only you knew

      If only our path would cross
      So you could see what I'm about
      what person I could be
      If only there would be a chance
      no one around, just you and me
      to say these thoughts out loud

      I would like to feel what it's like to be with you
      Take away this pain 'cause it's tearing me in two

      If only you would know
      If only I could show
      All of my time I spent on thinking of you
      If only you'd love me
      like I love you
      If only you could see
      Just what you mean to me
      All of my time I spent on thinikng of you
      If only you knew

      If only I would
      If only I could
      If only our love would find its way
      If only you would know
      If only I could show
      'cause all of my life
      I've been waiting for you
      If only you would love me like I love you

      Bastiaan Ragas - Never let you go

      I tried to fill this emptiness inside of me
      unbearable pain, although I try, won't hide from me
      They're telling me you've found somebody to keep you warm
      Pretending not to hear
      but it is plain to see
      How happy I would be
      You're not with him but still with me
      It's time that I should face someone took my place

      I should have never let you go (I let you go)
      You're right and I was wrong
      I should have never let you go (I let you go)
      Once we were, once we were one

      I try to tell myself it would be just like before
      Touching you, loving you, always wanting more
      You're telling me you're so in love with someone you just met
      How happy he must be
      'cause you're with hi and not with me
      It's time that I should face someone took my place

      I should have never let you go (I let you go)
      You're right and I was wrong
      I should have never let you go (I let you go)
      Once we were, once we were one

      Don't you that don't you know
      I'll never let you go
      Don't go
      ''Wenn ich nicht ich sein darf, wer sollte ich dann sein?''
      Marilyn Monroe
    • Hier mal der Text zu meinem absoluten Lieblingslied seit Jahren

      Haggard - Awaiking the centuries

      In the books of what will be
      Written by the demon lord?
      Never lift your head up to the east
      'cause darkness wakes the best!

      Der Kerzen Schein
      Er leuchtet fahl
      Als das Sonnenlicht er stahl
      Und nur das große Himmelszelt
      Bezeugt das Ende dieser Welt

      So feed the spark
      Welcome to the land of dark
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
      Take my hand
      Forgotten in the promised land
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

      The knowledge, brought to the world
      Is growing with a bitter taste
      In a dream I saw things that will be
      Centuries away

      Des Mondes Schein
      Er leuchtet fahl
      Das Herz der Finsternis er stahl
      Nun gleißend Lichte ihn umgibt
      Und doch des Menschen Hoffnung siegt...?

      So feed the spark
      Welcome to the land of dark
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
      Take my hand
      Forgotten in the promised land
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

      The night when evil steps out of the dark
      And the cross is rising again
      And fires are keeping the light
      Burn, my friend...

      And the sign of humanity is burning tonight
      I can't escape from this ritual silence
      Humanity's burning tonight

      When I open my eyes
      I see soldiers in the fields
      Dead bodies on the ground
      There are children inbetween
      Explosions shock the land
      And the evil shows its face
      The one called Hister rises
      This is the fall of grace...

      Beast ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers
      The greater part of the region will be against the Hister
      The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage
      When the German child will obcserve nothing

      In the books of what will be
      Written by the demon lord?
      Never lift your head up to the east
      'cause darkness wakes the best!

      Der Kerzen Schein
      Er leuchtet fahl
      Als das Sonnenlicht er stahl
      Und nur das große Himmelszelt
      Bezeugt das Ende dieser Welt

      So feed the spark
      Welcome to the land of dark
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
      Take my hand
      Forgotten in the promised land
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

      The knowledge, brought to the world
      Is growing with a bitter taste
      In a dream I saw things that will be
      Centuries away

      So feed the spark
      Welcome to the land of dark
      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
      Take my hand
      Forgotten in the promised land

      Death in all the centuries is what I left behind

      And the sign of humanity is burning tonight
      I can't escape from this ritual silence
      Humanity's burning tonight
    • Mike & the mechanics - All I need is a miracle

      I said "go if you wanna go,
      Stay if you wanna stay"
      I didn't care if you hung around me
      I didn't care if you went away
      And I know you were never right
      I'll admit I was never wrong
      I could never make up my mind
      I made it up as I went along

      And though I treated you like a child
      I'm gonna miss you for the rest of my life

      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you
      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you

      I never had any time
      And I never had any call
      But I went out of my way just to hurt you,
      The one I shouldn't hurt at all
      I thought I was being cool
      Yeah, I thought I was being strong
      But it's always the same old story
      You never know what you've got 'til it's gone

      If I ever catch up with you
      I'm gonna love you for the rest of your life

      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you

      And if I ever catch up with you
      I'm gonna love you for the rest of your life

      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
      All I need is a miracle, all I need is you (all I need is a miracle)
      All I need is a, all I need is a,
      All I need is you (all I need is a miracle)

      Mike & the mechanics - Silent Running

      Take the children and yourself
      And hide out in the cellar
      By now the fighting will be close at hand
      Don't believe the church and state
      And everything they tell you
      Believe in me I'm with the high command

      Can you hear me can you hear me running
      Can you hear me running can you hear me calling you

      Theres a gun and ammutition
      Just inside the doorway
      Use it only in emergency
      Better you should pray to God
      The Father and the Spirit
      Will guide you and protect from up here

      Can you hear me can you hear me running?
      Can you hear me running can you hear me calling you?

      Sweet allegiance to the flag
      Whatever flag they offer
      Never hint at what you really feel
      Teach the children quietly
      For some day sons and daughters
      Will rise up and fight while we stood still

      Can you hear me can you hear me running?
      Can you hear me running can you hear me calling you?

      Mike and the mechanics - Over my shoulder

      Looking back over my shoulder
      I can see that look in your eyes
      I never dreamed it could be over
      I never wanted to say good bye

      Looking back over my shoulder
      With an aching deep in my heart
      I wish we were starting over
      Oh instead we're drifting so far apart

      Everybody told me you were leaving
      Funny I should be the last to know
      Baby, please, tell me that I'm dreaming
      I just never want to let you go

      Looking back over my shoulder
      I can see that look in your eyes
      Turning my heart over and over
      I never wanted to say good bye

      I don't mind everybody laughing
      But it's enough to make an old man cry
      'cause I can feel you're slipping through my fingers
      I don't even know the reason why

      Everyday it's a losing battle
      Just to smile and hold my head up high
      Could it be we belong together
      Baby, won't you give me one more try?
      One more try

      Looking back over my shoulder
      I can see that look in your eyes
      I never dreamed it could be over
      I never wanted to say good bye

      Fancy - Lady of ice

      A lady of ice in a desert zone
      where a web of lies has turned to stone.

      A lady of ice with a painted smile
      I should keep her warm iust for a while.
      All I want is ecstasy reaching for reality

      love comes and sweeps your past away.
      We'll climb invicible mountains
      I want you never to be

      A lady of ice in a desert zone
      where a web of lies has turned to stone

      All I want is holding you
      huggin' and protecting you

      Turn up the beating of your heart.
      It's like a transmutation
      I want you never to be

      A lady of ice in a desert zone
      where a web of lies has turned to stone

      We'll climb the highest mountains
      I want you never to be

      A lady of ice in a desert zone
      where a web of lies has turned to stone

      A lady of ice in a desert zone
      where o web of lies has turned to stone
      ''Wenn ich nicht ich sein darf, wer sollte ich dann sein?''
      Marilyn Monroe
    • Sorry, dass der so kurz ist, aber ich finde ihn witzig.
      "Kurt Cobain hat es gewusst, im Alter droht Gesichts Verlust..."
      Entonmmen von "Zu Spät" von den Ärzten live auf der "Die Band, Die Sie Pferd Nannten" Doppel DVD.
    • Das Zitat stammt ursprünglich vom Doppelalbum "Geräuch" und dort vom Lied "Schneller Leben". ;)
      There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.
    • Hier mal ein paar neue Zitate:

      Es geht im Leben nicht darum gute Karten zu haben, sondern mit einem schlechten Blatt gut zu spielen!
      keine Ahnung vom das ist

      Klaust Du ein Kamel, werden sie Dich haengen !
      Klaust Du 40 Kamele, werden sie mit Dir handeln ... !!!

      auch wieder keine ahnung von wem das ist.

      Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, das er tun kann, was er will, sondern das er nicht tun muss,
      was er nicht will!

      Jean-Jacques Rousseau

      Das Wunder besteht nicht darin, auf Wasser gehen zu koennen, sondern auf der Erde.
      Buddhistische Lehre
      The Shockmaster botcht sein Debut als er hinfaellt….
      Davey Boy Smith kommentiert das trocken im Fernsehen:“He fell flat on his fooking arse…”