ALF is Back

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    Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von DiViNo.

    • ALF is Back

      18 Jahre nachdem er auf der Erde landete 1986 ist er nun zurueck.Der Hero der 80er Jahre,der Katzenfressende kleine Zottelmonster vom Planeten Melmac ist wieder da :D Ab morgen ist seine neue Show: ALF's Hit Talk Show auf NBC zusehen.

      Habt ihr frueher ALF geschaut oder kennt ihr ihn ueberhaupt? Seit ihr Fan von ihm gewessen?
      Also ich finde ihn genial,man ist ja praktisch damals mit ihm aufgewachsen und erinnert sich somit gerne zurueck an die 80er Jahre Sitcoms

      Im folgenden Interview erklaert ALF das Prinzip der Show

      Kendis Gibson: What's the point of this talk show? And I like the modesty in calling it, "ALF's Hit Talk Show."

      ALF: Hey, well I call 'em as I see 'em. It's a hit, man. It's going to be a hit.

      KG: What's the idea behind the show?

      ALF: Why not? Everyone else has had a shot at talk shows. I'm a people alien. I like talking. I like showing. Talk show -- there it is.

      KG: You realize you're going to be up against some pretty tough competition, such as John McEnroe's new talk show.

      ALF: What's it about tennis? He's not funny.

      KG: Well he can't knock the guests you had on your show.

      ALF: Oh yeah -- Drew Carey, Dennis Franz, Henry Winkler and Joan Rivers, not bad for 20 minutes.

      KG: And you had Dennis Franz check out your new cookbook?

      ALF: Oh yeah, I have a new cookbook that I'm shamelessly plugging: "Cats, The Other White Meat." And as soon as Bill Clinton's new book clears the charts, I hope to get that up in second place.

      KG: Now I have to say that your career has had more show business lives than the cats you crave. You had the television show, appearances on those 10-10-220 commercials, and you kept "Hollywood Squares" on television for many years.

      ALF: I saved them. I brought them from the doldrums up to the top.

      KG: But "Hollywood Squares" is no longer, and the 10-10-220 commercials are no more.

      ALF: I'm the kiss of death, is that what you're saying?

      KG: So is this show a one-time thing and then it's done?

      ALF: Well, it's a pilot, and then I guess what they're going to do, is see if people like it and the ratings and then we go on from there.

      KG: We'll see if it lives up to its namesake, and become a hit.

      ALF: I have all the faith in the world that this will be a hit -- it's a different show.

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    • Hier laufen jetzt auch wieder die alten Folgen.Fand Alf immer saustark,so legendäre Folgen wie die wo er die Küche in die Luft sprengt. :D Jaja,das warn noch Zeiten.Habs auch mal auf Englisch gesehen,fand aber seine englische Stimme total scheiße.
      Sieger EM Tippspiel 2004

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      Sieger 2.BuLi Tippspiel 2005/06

      2. Buli Tippspiel 2004/05

      3. 2.BuLi Tippspiel 2004/05

      3. F1 Tippspiel 2004,2005
    • Alf ist derbst genial ,keine frage.
      ich kann mich noch an seine vorliebe für katzen erinnern. :D
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