Finisher Liste (Wrestler mit B)

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Die mobile Variante

  • B-Boy / Bael
    - California Special (Inverted Facelock into Michinoku Driver II)
    - Cross Special Brainbuster (Cross-Legged Fisherman Buster)
    - Delikado (Half Nelson Lift into Wheelbarrow Driver)
    - Go 2 Sleep (Fireman's Carry into Knee Lift to the Head)
    - Shining Wizard
    - Southern California Cutter (Jumping Cutter)
    - Straight Jacket Piledriver

    B. Brian Blair
    - Sleeper Hold

    B3CCA / Becca
    - 450 Splash

    Babatunde / Dabba Kato / Commander Azeez
    - Running Big Splash
    - Thumb Thrust to the Throat

    Babi Slymm
    - Birdman Bomb (Swinging Side Slam)
    - Bryant Gumbel Suplex (Spinning Side Belly to Belly Suplex)
    - Number 1 Stunna (Sitout Jawbreaker)

    Bad Dude Tito
    - Tequila Screwdriver (Vertical Suplex Piledriver)

    Bad News Brown
    - Ghetto Blaster (Double Leg Enzuigiri)

    Badboy Hido
    - Piledriver

    Baliyan Akki
    - Namaste Splash (Diving Splash)

    Balls Mahoney
    - Ball Breaker (Sitout Spinebuster)
    - Camel Clutch
    - Nutcracker Suite (Michinoku Driver II)

    Bam Bam Bigelow
    - Corner Slingshot Splash (1987 - 1988)
    - Greetings from Ashbury Park (Over the Shoulder Reverse Piledriver)
    - Moonsault
    - Nuclear Splash (Diving Splash) [CWA]
    - Running Senton [NJPW]
    - Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am (Diving Headbutt)

    Bam Neely
    - Full Nelson Slam

    Bambi (Selina Majors)
    - Stunner (Sitout Jawbreaker)

    Bambi Hall
    - Swinging Neckbreaker

    - 21plex (Rebound Bridging German Suplex)

    Banzai Chie
    - Argentine Backbreaker Rack
    - Banzai Headbutt (Running Headbutt)
    - Banzai Press (Corner Slingshot Splash)

    Barbi Hayden
    - Diving Crossbody
    - Diving DDT

    Barry Darsow / Repo Man
    - Barely Legal (Modified Armlock) (als Barry Darsow)
    - Crowbar (Leglock / Single Leg Boston Crab)

    Barry Horowitz
    - Bridging Northern Lights Suplex
    - Cloverleaf
    - DDT
    - Horowitz Cradle (Half Nelson Cradle)

    Barry Orton
    - Falling Star (DDT)

    Bart Gunn / Mike Barton
    - Barton Buster (Powerbomb)

    Bart Sawyer
    - DDT
    - Sleeper Hold

    Bateman / Tyler Bateman
    - Tombstone Piledriver (Kneeling Reverse Piledriver)

    Batista / Leviathan
    - Batista Bite (Double Underhook Crossface) [2010]
    - Batista Bomb (Sitout Powerbomb)
    - Spear

    Battle Kat / Brady Boone
    - Moonsault
    - Victory Roll

    Battle Shark
    - Shark Clutch

    Bear Fukuda (Takayasu Fukuda)
    - Final Flash / Mango Splash / Yellow Sky (Frog Splash)
    - Pull Pull Bear / Pull Pull Mango (Swinging Side Slam)

    Beau Beverly / Wayne Bloom
    - Double Underhook Suplex

    Becky Bayless
    - Becky Statement (Bridging Crossface)
    - Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster

    Beef Wellington
    - Ass Punch (Diving Punch to the Ass)
    - E.Coli Driver (Double Underhook Piledriver)

    - Masakiri (Vertical Suplex Powerslam)

    Ben Bassarab
    - Diving Crossbody
    - Running Powerslam

    Beth Phoenix
    - Beth Valley Driver (Samoan Driver) (Indy- Bereich)
    - Down in Flames (Michinoku Driver #2) (Indy-Bereich)
    - Flying Phoenix (Delayed Fisherman Suplex)
    - Glam Slam (Elevated Double Chickenwing Facebuster)

    Bestia 666
    - La Valagueza (Muscle Buster Shoulderbreaker)

    Beulah McGillicutty
    - Beulahcanrana (Hurricanrana)
    - DDT

    The Bezerker / John Nord
    - Camel Clutch
    - Falling Powerslam
    - Inverted Suplex Slam

    Biff Busick / Oney Lorcan
    - Blockbuster (Somersault Neckbreaker)
    - Half and Half Suplex
    - Single Leg Boston Crab

    Biff Wellington
    - Piledriver
    - Tombstone Piledriver (Kneeling Reverse Piledriver)

    Big Bang Nicole
    - G.O (Spinning DDT)
    - G.O.2.O (Spinning Samoan Drop)

    Big Bill / W.Morrissey / CaZXL / Big Cass / Colin Cassidy
    - Chokeslam
    - East River Crossing (Sitout Swinging Side Slam)
    - Empire Elbow (Jumping Elbow Drop)
    - Running Big Boot

    The Big Boss Man / Bubba Rogers / Ray Traylor
    - Boss Man Slam (Spinning Side Slam)

    BIG BOSS Shimizu / Big R Shimizu / Bokutimo Dragon
    - Chokeslam
    - OTAKEBI (Top Rope Falling Splash)

    Big Bully Busick
    - Bully Bender (Reverse Boston Crab)
    - Bully Blaster (Heart Punch)

    Big Damo / Killian Dain / Damian O'Connor
    - Cóiste Bodhar (Lifting Inverted DDT) (als Damian O'Connor)
    - Cú Chulainn's Wratch (Double Underhook Crossface) (als Damian O'Connor)
    - Piledriver (als Big Damo / Damian O'Connor)
    - Ulster Plantation (Electric Chair Driver)
    - Van Damo Nator (Corner to Corner Missile Dropkick) (als Damian O'Connor)

    Big Dick Dudley
    - Chokeslam
    - Total Penetration (Chokebomb)

    Big Guido
    - Chokeslam

    Big John Studd
    - Reverse Bearhug

    Big Swole / Aerial Monroe
    - Cloverleaf
    - Dirty Dancing (Wrist Lock into Rolling Elbow Strike)
    - Spear

    Big Tilly / Big Rocco
    - Hell Week (Diving Leg Drop)
    - Tsunami Splash (Frog Splash)

    Big Titan / Fake Razor Ramon (Rick Bognar)
    - Exploder Suplex
    - Razor's Edge (Crucifix Powerbomb) (als Fake Razor Ramon)

    Biggie Biggs
    - Bigg Bang (Chokeslam)

    Bill DeMott / Hugh Morrus
    - No Joke (Rolling Cutter)
    - No Laughing Matter (Moonsault)

    Bill Irwin / The Goon
    - Bicycle Kick
    - Superplex

    Bill Martel
    - Forward Russian Legsweep
    - Sharpshooter

    "Superstar" Billy Graham
    - Bearhug

    Billy Gunn / Rockabilly
    - Elevated DDT (als Rockabilly)
    - Fameasser / Famouser (Leg Drop Bulldog)
    - Gunnslinger (Swinging Side Slam) (2002 - 2004)
    - Missouri Boat Ride / One and Only (Cobra Clutch Slam)
    - Shake Rattle and Roll (Swinging Neckbreaker) (als Rockabilly)

    Billy Jack Haynes
    - Diving Knee Drop
    - Full Nelson

    Billy Kidman
    - BK Bomb (Sitout Spinebuster)
    - Kid Krusher (Jumping Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)
    - Shooting Star Press

    Billy Robinson
    - Double Underhook Suplex
    - Piledriver

    Billy Suede
    - Sliced Bread II (Shiranui)

    Bison Smith
    - Biseonteniial (Belly to Back Inverted Mat Slam)
    - Clawhold / Clawhold Side Slam / Clawhold STO
    - Lariat

    BJ Whitmer
    - Adrenaline Spike (Reverse Piledriver)
    - Wrist Clutch Exploder

    Black Bart
    - Texas Trash Compactor (Diving Leg Drop)

    Black Buffalo
    - Backdrop (Bridging Belly to Back Suplex)
    - Buffalo Driver (Sitout Double Underhook Powerbomb)
    - Vertical Drop Buffalo Driver (Sitout One Shoulder Powerbomb)

    Black Menso-re / Menso-re Oyaji
    - Jumping Reverse Roundhouse Kick

    Black Taurus
    - Destination Hell Hole (Leg Hook Belly to Back Lift into Piledriver)
    - Taurus Driver (Spinning Fisherman Driver)

    Blackjack Lanza
    - Brainbuster
    - Clawhold

    Blackjack Mulligan
    - Clawhold
    - Lariat

    Black Swan / Zoe Dubois
    - Swan Song (Muta Lock)

    The Blade / Braxton Sutter / Pepper Parks
    - BS Express / Pepper Shaker (Swinging Fisherman Suplex)
    - Flatliner / Nemesis Enforcer (Leaping Reverse STO)
    - Varsity Blues (Double Knee Facebreaker)

    Blake Christian / Trey Bexter
    - Elia (Diving Corkscrew Splash)
    - Diving 360 Double Foot Stomp [NXT]
    - Springboard 450 Splash
    - Step Up Head Stomp

    Blind Rage
    - Creepy Hippy (Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb)
    - Gory Bomb
    - STF

    - Corkscrew 450 Splash

    BLK Jeez / Sabian
    - 450 Splash
    - Black Jesus Stomp / BLK Jeez Stomp (Diving Double Foot Stomp)
    - Tornado DDT

    The Blue Meanie
    - DDT
    - Meaniesault (Moonsault)
    - People's Leg Drop (Running Delayed Leg Drop)

    Blue Nikita
    - Air Raid Crash (Over the Shoulder Back to Belly Piledriver)
    - Blue Wonder (Cradle Back to Belly Piledriver)

    Bo Dallas
    - Belly to Belly Suplex [NXT]
    - Bo Dog (Springboard Bulldog)
    - Roll the Dice (Rolling Cutter)
    - Spear [NXT]

    Bob Armstrong
    - Jawbreaker
    Bob Backlund
    - Chickenwing Crossface
    - Diving Knee Drop

    "Bulldog" Bob Brown
    - Leg Drop

    "Cowboy" Bob Kelly
    - Bulldog

    "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr.
    - Forarm Smash
    - Piledriver
    - Sleeper Hold
    - Superplex

    Bob Sapp
    - Avalanche Hold (Falling Powerslam)
    - Beast Backbreaker (Argentine Backbreaker Hold)
    - Beast Backdrop (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)
    - Beast Bomb (Falling Powerbomb)
    - Human Bullet Headbutt (Diving Headbutt)
    - Muscle Buster

    Bob Starr
    - Star Blazer

    Bob Sweetan
    - Piledriver

    Bobbie Billard
    - Surfboard

    Bobby Blaze
    - Blaze Buster (Brainbuster)
    - Northern Lights Suplex

    Bobby Bold Eagle
    - Flying Headbutt

    Bobby Duncum Jr.
    - Forward Russen Legsweep
    - Full Nelson Slam
    - Reverse STO

    Bobby Eaton
    - Alabama Jam / Tower of London (Diving Leg Drop)

    Bobby Fish
    - Fish Hook (Heel Hook)
    - Flying Fish Hook (Flying High Knee Strike)
    - Knockout Kick (Kick to the Head) [AEW]
    - Sleeping with the Fishes (Jumping Spin Kick)

    Bobby Fulton
    - Fantastic Flip (Senton Bomb)

    Bobby Jaggers
    - Elbow Drop
    - Reverse Neckbreaker

    Bobby Sharp
    - Lion's Prey (Diving Splash)
    - Sharpshooter

    Bobby Steveson / Damon Kemp
    - Uranage Backbreaker [WWE]

    Bobcat (Cynthia Lynch)
    - Cameltoe Clutch (Reverse Boston Crab)
    - Stunner (Sitout Jawbreaker)

    Bobo Brazil
    - Coco Butt (Headbutt)

    Bodyguard (Noboru Kurakawa)
    - Bounce (Military Press Falling Powerslam)
    - Bodybreak (Inverted Samoan Drop)

    The Boogeyman
    - Boogey Slam / Supernatural Driver (Inverted Falling Powerslam)
    - Boogey Bomb (Chokebomb)
    - Goodnight (Pumphandle Slam)

    Boom Harden
    - Buck.50 (Slingshot Stunner)

    Boris Malenko
    - Russian Sickle (Lariat)
    - Sleeper Hold

    - Kneeling Powerbomb

    Brad Armstrong
    - Russian Legsweep

    Brad Hollister
    - Baconator (Vertical Suplex Powerslam)

    Brad Maddox
    - Deal Breaker (Spinning Reverse Shoulder Jawbreaker)

    Brad Rheingans
    - Bridging Cradle Suplex

    Brady Booker / Bodhi Hayward

    Brahman Kei
    - Blazer Kick (Superkick)
    - Hammerlock Legsweep DDT
    - Roundhouse Kick
    - Sharpshooter

    Brahman Shu
    - Karma Drop of Hell (Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)
    - Modified Fisherman Buster
    - Zodiac (Running Superkick)
    - Zombie King (Fisherman Driver)

    Brain Damage
    - Package Piledriver

    Brandi Alexander
    - Bridging German Suplex

    Brandi Lauren / Skyler Storey / Ava Storie
    - Double Underhook Crossface

    Brandi Rhodes / Brandi
    - Chickenwing Over the Shoulder Crossface with Body Scissors
    - Modified Double Underhook Crossface
    - Modified Reverse STO
    - Shot of Brandi (Wrist Lock into Discus Lariat)
    - Shot of Brandi (Running Bicycle Kick)
    - Spear
    - Stretch Mark (Cross-legged Neck Crank)

    Brandon Bonham
    - Hammer of Gods (Gorilla Press into Kick to the Chest)

    Brandon Cutler
    - Springboard Elbow Drop
    - TPK (Scoop Lift Double Knee Gutbuster)

    Brandon Gatson
    - 450 Splash
    - Argentine Backbreaker Hold into DDT
    - Front Flip Sidewalk Slam into Sitout Facebuster

    Bray Wyatt / The Fiend / Husky Harris / Axel Mulligan
    - Mandible Claw (als The Fiend)
    - Reverse STO (als Husky Harris)
    - Running Senton (als Husky Harris)
    - Sister Abigail (Swinging Reverse STO) (als Bray Wyatt)
    - Stunner (Sitout Jawbreaker) (als Axel Mulligan) [FCW]

    Brent Albright
    - Belly to Belly Suplex
    - Fujiwara Armbar
    - Half Nelson Suplex
    - Sharpshooter
    - Standing Chickenwing / Hammerlock Hold with Knee Strikes to the Head

    Bret Hart
    - Piledriver
    - Sharpshooter

    Brett DiBiase
    - Missile Dropkick

    Brian Adams / Crush
    - Chokeslam [WCW]
    - Cranium Crunch (Clawhold) (als Crush)
    - Heart Punch

    Brian Adias
    - Oriental Tool (Thumb Neck Thrust)

    Brian Cage
    - Drill Claw (Vertical Suplex Piledriver)
    - Discus Lariat
    - Weapon X (Gory Special into Reverse STO)

    Brian Christopher / Grand Master Sexay
    - Hiphop Drop (Diving Legdrop)
    - Sexay Buster (Full Nelson Facebuster)

    Brian Gamble
    - Diving Double Foot Stomp

    Brian Johnson
    - Process (Hangman's Facebuster)

    The Brian Kendrick / Brian Kendrick / Spanky
    - Bully Choke / Captain's Hook (Bridging Reverse Chinlock)
    - Cobra Clutch with Bodscissors [TNA]
    - Sliced Bread II / The Kendrick (Shiranui)

    Brian Knobbs
    - Running Powerslam

    Brian Lee / Chainz / Fake The Undertaker
    - Cancellation (Overhead Gutwrench Backbreaker Drop)
    - Primetime Slam (Chokeslam)
    - Tombstone Piledriver (Kneeling Reverse Piledriver)

    Brian Myers / Curt Hawkins
    - Heat Seeking Elbow (Diving Elbow Drop)
    - Laugh Riot (Lifting DDT)
    - Taste of Pain (Hangman's Facebuster)

    Brian Pillman
    - Air Pillman (Springboard Clothesline) (1986 - 1994)
    - Crucifix Armbar with Neckscissors (1995)
    - Diving Crossbody (1986 - 1994)
    - Hangman's Neckbreaker (1997)
    - Tornado DDT (1995)

    Brie Bella
    - Bella Buster (Sitout Facebuster)
    - YES Lock (Omoplata Crossface)

    Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D / Britt Baker
    - Baker Buster (Spinning Sitout Double Underhook Facebuster)
    - Lockjaw (Scissored Armbar + Mandible Claw Combo)

    Brittney Blake
    - Bad Omen (Arm Trap Cloverleaf)

    Brittney Savage
    - Barbie Kick (Roundhouse Kick)
    - Blonde Blowout (Double Knee Facebreaker)
    - Jumping Cutter

    Brock Anderson
    - Spinning Spinebuster

    Brock Lesnar
    - Brock Lock (Argentine Leglock) (2002-2004) [WWE]
    - F5 [WWE] / Verdict [NJPW] (Firemans Carry Spin Out Facebuster)
    - Kimura Hold
    - Shooting Star Press (am Anfang seiner Wrestlingkarriere)

    Brock Singleton
    - Six Shooter

    Brody King
    - All Seeing Eye (Cross-legged Samoan Driver)
    - Gonzo Bomb (Overhead Gutwrench Lift into Piledriver)

    Brodie Lee / Harper / Luke Harper
    - Brodie Bomb (Running Sitout Powerbomb) (Indy-Bereich) (als Brodie Lee)
    - Discus Lariat
    - Gutwrench Powerbomb (Indy-Bereich) (als Brodie Lee)
    - Package Piledriver (Indy Bereich) (als Brodie Lee)
    - Truckstop (Spinning Side Slam)

    Brody Steele
    - Elevated Powerbomb

    Brooke Tessmacher
    - Butterface Maker (Sitout Facebuster)
    - Diving Elbow Drop
    - Spinning Headlock Elbow Driver
    - Tess Shocker (Belly to Back Facebuster)

    The Brooklyn Brawler / Steve Lombardi
    - Boston Crab
    - Sidewalk Smash (Diving Kneeling Facebuster)
    - Superplex
    - Swinging Neckbreaker

    brother YASSHI
    - Flying Big Head (Diving Headbutt)
    - Nice Jamaica (Bridging German Suplex)
    - Postore de la Noche (Rolling Crucifix Neck Crank) (2000 - 2003)

    - Over Driver (Fisherman Buster)

    Bruce Hart
    - Hart Lock (Reverse Figure Four Leglock)
    - Modified Camel Clutch

    Bruiser Bedlam
    - Stomach Claw

    Bruiser Brody
    - Knee Drop

    Bruno Sammartino
    - Bearhug

    Bruno Sassi / Sally Boy
    - Initiation (Sitout DDT)
    - Vertical Suplex Piledriver

    Brute Bernard
    - Argentine Backbreaker Rack

    Brutus Beefcake / The Disciple
    - High Knee
    - Sleeper Hold
    - Stunner (Sitout Jawbreaker) (als The Disciple) [WCW]

    Bryan Alvarez
    - Figure Four Leglock
    - Senton Bomb
    - Superkick

    Bryan Keith
    - So Fire Bomb (Sitout Double Underhook Powerbomb)

    Bryan Danielson / Daniel Bryan / American Dragon
    - Bridging Dragon Suplex (Indy-Bereich) (als American Dragon)
    - Cattle Mutilation (Bridging Grounded Double Chickenwing) (Indy-Bereich) (als Bryan Danielson)
    - Chickenwing Crossface (Indy-Bereich) (als Bryan Danielson)
    - Crucifix Position followed by multiple Elbow Strikes to the Head (Indy-Bereich) (als Bryan Danielson)
    - Guillotine Choke (2011) (WWE) (als Daniel Bryan)
    - Heel Hook (WWE) (als Daniel Bryan)
    - Regal Stretch (Cross-legged Over the Shoulder Chickenwing STF) [AEW]
    - Running Single Leg High Knee (WWE) (als Daniel Bryan)
    - Small Package (Indy-Bereich) (als Bryan Danielson)
    - Triangle Choke (Indy-Bereich) (als Bryan Danielson)

    Bshp King
    - Flatwood Freefall (Senton Bomb)

    BT Gunn
    - Crossface
    - Swinging Modified DDT

    Buck Quartermain
    - Swinging DDT

    Buddy Austin
    - Diving Knee Drop
    - Indian Deathlock
    - Piledriver

    Buddy Landel
    - Elbow Drop
    - Figure Four Leglock

    Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker / Dwayne Bruce
    - Diving Knee Drop

    Buddy Matthews / Buddy Murphy / Matt Silva
    - Lights Out (Electric Chair into German Suplex) (Indy-Bereich) (als Matt Silva)
    - Murphy's Law (Pumphandle Half Nelson Lift Death Valley Driver)
    - Murphy's Law (Running Brainbuster) [WWE]
    - Silva Breaker (Running Brainbuster) (Indy-Bereich) (als Matt Silva)

    Buddy Roberts
    - DDT
    - Figure Four Leglock

    Buddy Rogers
    - Figure Four Leglock
    - Neckbreaker
    - Piledriver

    Buddy Rose
    - Belly to Back Backbreaker
    - DDT

    Buff Bagwell / Marcus Bagwell
    - Buff Blockbuster (Diving Somersault Neckbreaker)
    - Diving Clothesline
    - Hangman's Neckbreaker

    Buggy Nova
    - Buggy Bulldog (Bulldog)
    - Buggysteiner (Frankensteiner)
    - Merry Go Round of Doom (Spinning Argentine Backbreaker Hold into Reverse STO)
    - Plan B (Sidewalk Slam)

    Bull Buchanan / B2
    - Diving Leg Drop
    - Scissors Kick

    Bull James / Bull Dempsey
    - Bulldozer (Sitout Side Powerslam)
    - Diving Headbutt
    - Diving Seated Senton

    Bull Nakano
    - Bull's Poseidon (Back to Belly Piledriver)
    - Diving Leg Drop

    Bull Pain
    - Pain Game (Rope Hung Swinging Neckbreaker)

    Bully Ray / Bubba Ray Dudley / Buh Buh Ray Dudley
    - Bully Bomb / Bubba Bomb (Full Nelson Bomb)
    - Bully Cutter / Bubba Cutter (Cutter)
    - Release Powerbomb

    Bunkhouse Buck
    - Knockout Punch
    - Piledriver

    The Bunny / Allie / Cherry Bomb
    - Allie Drop (Inverted DDT)
    - Allie DT (Corner Springboard Cutter)
    - Allie Popper / Cherry Popper (Sitout Facebuster)
    - Allie Valley Driver / Cherry Valley Driver (Death Valley Driver)
    - Anger as Beauty (Bridging Ground Double Chickenwing Hold)
    - Best Superkick Ever / B.S.E (Superkick)
    - Down the Rabbit Hole (Inverted Facelock Elbow Driver) [AEW]

    BUSHI / T28 / Tetsuya Bushi
    - Ashiroad (Reverse Figure Four Leglock) (als T28)
    - Firebird Splash (450 Splash)
    - MX (Diving Double Knee Facebreaker)

    Butch Reed
    - Military Press Powerslam

    The Butcher / Andy Williams
    - Cloverleaf
    - Filet Mignon (Back Suplex Side Slam)

    Buzz Sawyer
    - Diving Splash
    - Powerslam

    BxB Hulk
    - EVO (Pumphandle Sitout Side Powerslam)
    - EVOP (Vertical Suplex Sitout Side Powerslam)
    - First Flash (Superkick)
    - FTX (Wrist Clutch Sitout Side Powerslam)
    - H Thunder (Side Michinoku Driver II)
    - Phoenix Splash (Corkscrew 450 Splash)

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