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  • Steckbrief

    Bürgerlicher Name: Mark William Calaway
    Geburtsdatum: 24.03.1965
    Geboren in: Houston,Texas
    Größe: 208 cm
    Gewicht: 140 kg

    als Texas Red vs Bruiser Brody (WCCW) (26.06.1987)

    - Callous Clutch (Clawhold) (als "Mean" Mark Callous)
    - Chokeslam (als The Undertaker)
    - Heart Punch (als "Mean" Mark Callus)
    - Heat Seeking Missile (Diving Elbowdrop) (als "Mean" Mark Callous)
    - Hell's Gate (Modified Gogoplate) (als The Undertaker)
    - Last Ride (Elevated Powerbomb) (als The Undertaker)
    - Tombstone Piledriver (Kneeling Reverse Piledriver) (als The Undertaker)

    Andere In Ring Namen
    - Kane the Undertaker
    - Mean Mark Callous
    - Texas Red
    - einer der bekanntesten Wrestler aller Zeiten
    - spielte an der High School Basketball und Football
    - Wrestlingfan seit seiner Kindheit
    - feierte sein WWF Debüt bei der Survivor Series 1990
    - hatte eine legendäre WrestleMania Streak die am Ende von Brock Lesnar gebrochen wurde
    - sein Cousin ist Brian Lee, der in der WWF als der Fake Undertaker auftrat
    - ist mit der ehemaligen WWE-Wrestlerin Michelle McCool verheiratet
    - gewann den WWE Royal Rumble 2007
    - hat den Schwarzen Gürtel in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    - trat schon in Serien und Filmen auf

    - 1x USWA Texas Heavyweight Title
    - 1x USWA Unified World Heavyweight Title
    - 1x WCW World Tag Team Titles (mit Kane)
    - 3x WWE World Heavyweight Title
    - 4x WWF/E Title
    - 1x WWF Hardcore Title
    - 6x WWF Tag Team Titles (2x Big Show, 2x Kane, 1x The Rock, 1x Steve Austin)

    Sonstige Erfolge
    - CBS Sports Worst Angle of the Year 2018 (mit Kane vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H))
    - PWI Comeback of the Year 2015
    - PWI Feud of the Year 1991 (vs The Ultimate Warrior)
    - PWI Feud of the Year 2015 (vs Brock Lesnar)
    - PWI Match of the Year 1998 (vs Mankind, Hell in a Cell match @ WWE King of the Ring 1998)
    - PWI Match of the Year 2009 (vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXV)
    - PWI Match of the Year 2010 (vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXVI)
    - PWI Match of the Year 2012 (vs Triple H, Hell in a Cell Match @ WWE WrestleMania XXVIII)
    - WON Hall of Fame 2004
    - WON Best Gimmick 1990
    - WON Best Gimmick 1991
    - WON Best Gimmick 1992
    - WON Best Gimmick 1993
    - WON Best Gimmick 1994
    - WON Best Heel 1991
    - WON Feud of the Year 2007 (vs Batista)
    - WON Match of the Year 2009 (vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXV)
    - WON Match of the Year 2010 (vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXVI)
    - WON Worst Worked Match of the Year 2001 (mit Kane vs KroniK (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) @ WWF Unforgiven 2001)
    - WON Worst Worked Match of the Year 2018 (mit Kane vs D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) @ WWE Crown Jewel 2018)
    - WON Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic 2005 (Terrorist Angle on the Day of the London Bombings 2005) (Storyline mit Muhammad Hassan)
    - WON Most Overrated 2001
    - WON Readers Least Favorite Wrestler 2001
    - WON Worst Feud of the Year 1993 (vs Giant Gonzalez)
    - WWE Royal Rumble 2007 Gewinner
    - WWE Slammy Award Match of the Year 2009 (vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXV)
    - WWE Slammy Award Match of the Year 2010 (vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXVI)
    - WWE Slammy Award Match of the Year 2012 (vs Triple H, Hell in a Cell Match @ WWE WrestleMania XXVIII)
    - WWE Slammy Award Match of the Year 2015 (vs Brock Lesnar, Hell in Cell Match @ WWE Hell in a Cell 2015)
    - WWE Slammy Award Moment of the Year 2010 (Match vs Shawn Michaels @ WWE WrestleMania XXVI)
    - WWE Slammy Award OMG Moment of the Year 2011 (Undertaker kicks out of the Tombstone Piledriver of Triple H @ WWE WrestleMania XXVII)
    - WWE Slammy Award Rivalry of the Year 2015 (vs Brock Lesnar)
    - WWF Slammy Award Best Entrance Music 1997
    - WWF Slammy Award Best Tattoo 1997
    - WWE Slammy Award Match of the Year 2020 (vs AJ Styles, The Boneyard Match, @ WWE WrestleMania 36)
    - WWE Slammy Award Moment of the Year 2020 (The Undertaker's Final Farewell)
    - WWF Slammy Award Most Intimidating 1994
    - WWF Slammy Award Star of the Highest Magnitude 1997
    • Undertaker.jpg

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