Gorilla Monsoon als Kommentator

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    Es gibt 1 Antwort in diesem Thema. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von thephenom2000.

    • Gorilla Monsoon als Kommentator

      Es gibt wahrscheinlich kein Kommentator ueber den ich mich mehr aufgeregt habe wie Gorilla Monsoon…okay nein das stimmt nicht…Todd Pettingell und Vince McMahon, Jerry Lawler, Tony Schiavone, Jesse Ventura, Michael Cole und Steve McMichael sollten hier nicht unerwaehnt bleiben. Aber Gorilla Monsoon war schon wirklich sehr weit vorne. Wie er kommentierte konnte ich nie leiden, immer am totalen uebertreiben, immer am Babyface bevorteilen, jedes Match war ganz grosse Klasse obwohl es der totale Muell war.

      Dave Meltzer schrieb mal folgendes ueber Gorilla Monsoon und seine “Beliebtheit“ bei den WWF Wrestlern:

      You didn't talk to irate wrestlers in the 80s who hated Monsoon killing their psychology.

      These were the complaints I heard over and over:

      You put on a submission to get heat and build drama, and he says the babyface will never submit. The worst part about it was--the booking mentality at the time was that top babyfaces never submit. So he's always right, and you waste your time trying to get heat with moves.

      You do a near fall and don't hook the leg, and he calls you an idiot for not hooking the leg and teaches the fans not to pop for your near fall when the style you are told to do is only hook the leg for the real finish. The wording was that he is trying to show how smart he is by never selling your near falls, thus hurting your match.

      He killed the heat of every heel in the territory. And if you talked with the heels in the territory, they thought the same thing
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